Dog Emergency Vet Near Me, Long Beach
Your dog can’t talk to you, at least not in the way you would want. But a dog can surely do a lot of communicating, especially if something is wrong. There are signs you can look for to determine whether your dog needs an emergency vet near you.
Your dog may collapse suddenly and faint, or you may find them unconscious without knowing what happened. This calls for an emergency visit to your dog’s vet. At the vet, they’ll be checked for anemia, lung problems, and heart issues among other tests. Dogs mostly faint if there is a lack of enough oxygen supply to their brain.
Inability to stand
If your dog suddenly can’t stand, call a dog emergency vet near you. They may have a problem with the spine. Sometimes weakened limbs may signify a cut in blood supply. This requires emergency treatment.
Repeated vomiting
If your dog vomits repeatedly, whether it’s accompanied by diarrhea or not, seek emergency help. If you notice blood in the vomit make sure to mention it to the vet.
Difficulty breathing
Breathing issues are life-threatening and mostly signify a heart problem. Choking also causes breathing difficulty. When this happens save your dog’s life by calling an emergency vet.
Difficulty urinating or defecating
If you notice that your dog strains to urinate or defecate, they may have a blockage.
Continuous cough
Nonstop coughing may indicate collapsing trachea or an infectious disease called tracheobronchitis. If they cough blood, that’s a more serious situation. Go immediately to the emergency vet.
As soon as you notice any of the above signs or similar symptoms such as shaking or restlessness, don’t wait. Call your veterinarian to ask about first aid as you bring your dog to the clinic. Once at the clinic, your dog will receive a full examination to find out the cause of their distress. Call us today to speak to an emergency vet.