Cat Emergency Vet Near Me, Long Beach
If your cat has an episode of distress, don’t panic. Find help for them as soon as possible. If you have the contact information for an emergency vet, book an immediate appointment, or visit an emergency vet near you.
Common cat emergencies
While it may sometimes be easy to spot an emergency, at other times you may wonder about the right time to make an emergency call. If your cat is showing any of the symptoms below, don’t wait!
A seizure that lasts more than 2 minutes or multiple seizures in 24 hours is an emergency situation. If you notice that your cat woke up with an abnormal condition, see an emergency vet.
Strong pain
No matter where the pain is located, strong pain needs immediate intervention. A cat in pain can be dangerous even if they are usually calm.
Breathing problems
If your cat is choked and struggles to breathe, don’t wait. Respiratory distress is serious.
If you found your cat unconscious, take them to the vet to determine if they have a problem with the heart, lungs, or other vital organs.
Eye injury
If your pet sustained an eye injury or they have a bleeding eye, take them to an emergency vet.
Weak limbs
Weak limbs may signify a condition known as aortic thromboembolism. An emergency vet will perform an examination to determine whether your cat has the condition.
Repeated vomiting and diarrhea
Vomiting and diarrhea mostly indicate an infection or poisoning. It may be good to take a sample of the vomit or stool for testing.
Difficulty urinating or defecating
If your cat struggles to urinate or defecate, they need immediate help. A Complete blockage of urine can cause death so call your vet if this is the case.
Continuous bleeding
If your cat bleeds continuously for more than 5 minutes from the eyes, nose, mouth, or rectum, get help.
To visit an emergency vet near you call us today.